产品别名 40Cr圆棒,40Cr银钢支,40Cr磨光棒,40Cr拉光圆钢 40Cr圆棒40Cr银钢支40Cr磨光棒40Cr精拉棒40Cr拉光圆钢40Cr磨光小圆棒 40Cr是我国GB的标准钢号,40Cr钢是机械制造业使用范围广的钢之一。调质处理后具有良好的综合力学性能,良好的低温冲击韧性和低的缺口敏感性。钢的淬透性良好,水淬时可淬透到Ф28~60mm,油淬时可淬透到Ф15~40mm。切削性能较好,当硬度为HB174~229时,相对切削加工性为60%。 【调质处理规范】 淬火温度850℃ ±10℃,油冷;回火温度520℃±10℃,水、油空冷。 40Cr特性 中碳调制钢,冷镦模具钢。供应剥漆刀哪里买杭州千和剥漆刀效率高。
Select a suitable cutter head, install it on the chuck at the front end of the machine, insert a enameled wire in the middle of the cutter head, use a fixed wrench to adjust the chuck head so that the cutter head gently clamps the enameled wire, and then withdraw the enameled wire. After opening the switch, hold the coil part with your hand, and then easily push the enameled wire into the cutter head rotating at high speed until it reaches the preset stripping length. Then carefully withdraw the enameled wire, and the stripping can be completed, If necessary, the diameter of the cutter head can be adjusted by loosening and tightening the chuck to control the ideal paint stripping effect, because when the machine is started and the cutter head rotates at high speed, the insulating paint or oxide of the enameled wire will be cut off, and the surface of the enameled wire after peeling is bright and clean.千和剥漆刀剥皮的一致性强。中国闽台本地剥漆刀价格
Enamelled wire is a main type of winding wire, which is composed of conductor and insulation layer. The bare wire is annealed and softened, and then painted and baked for many times. However, it is not easy to produce products that meet both standard requirements and customer requirements. It is affected by raw material quality, process parameters, production equipment, environment and other factors. Therefore, the quality characteristics of various enameled wires are different, but they all have four major properties: mechanical performance, chemical performance, electrical performance and thermal performance.广东销售剥漆刀保养